DSHS Guidelines
The holidays are approaching and we want to be sure you have the information you need related to visitation and communal dining in long-term care settings during the holidays.
According to DOH guidance, all people in congregate settings must wear face masks. CDC guidance requires masks be worn in areas of substantial or high transmission. This includes congregate care settings such as long-term care facilities and homes.
Following these requirements to wear face masks means there can be no visitors allowed in communal dining in long-term care settings, even in resident rooms, at this time.
However, residents are not restricted from leaving the facility or home to spend time with family and friends during the holidays. Should residents choose to do this, providers must follow their applicable Safe Start Plan related to residents taking trips outside the facility or home. This includes completing a risk assessment of the resident prior to and after returning from an offsite visit.
The full Risk Assessment is attached here.
Scroll down to find the on page risk assessment for off site visits.
Please bring filled out, or emailed to us, before taking your family member off site and have one filled out upon return of actual activity.
The DSHS Safe Start Plan for us is attached here.